Ten on Ten {December}

I think I may actually be making some progress in catching up with this project! Two posts in a week! Hold me back! (Never mind that I neither have ten images, nor have I taken them hourly; don't let the finished be the enemy of the good? Or something?)

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06:22 // I'm not sure what is happening here, but I guess the moral of this story is we have spent a lot of money on instant film.

06:46// Also not entirely sure about this one? But I do know that Hugo feels it a great injustice that Lyra gets baby food pouches (which cost about an hour's worth of hard labour each) and he does not.

07:03 // On the way to the school bus on a rare morning when I have to do the school run with all three kids by myself. Mr. Chef must have been out of town. (Had I posted these in a timely manor I would actually remember this sort of thing!!) It is actually a bit of a miracle that my child actually made it to the bus, considering it typically arrives exactly at this time.

07:13 // Those towers. They say something about humanity and our place in the cosmos I think.

08:01 // This images sums up about half of Lyra and Hugo's relationship.

08:06 // And this the other half.

12:03 // Sunspots outside my office.

15:04 // The weather was really beautiful this day. I kinda even remember that now.

15:06 // My favourite street art.

15:37 // In a taxi on the way home from school. Our family rule is that he is only to have his "paci and blank" in his bed. We are very good at enforcing that.

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