

"a portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015."

Stella: Has been really into playing school and writing Chinese characters on her white board.

Hugo: I told him this week, I love you! And he replied, I love police. So. :/

Gosh, my blogging game has been week this week (month?) (quarter?) (year?) I dunno. I miss having this blogging space, my old blog especially brought me a lot of lovely connections and creative juice, you know? But I'm not making the time to come here as regularly and write. 

Part of it is that we've been traveling, and I am not able to be on top of social media when I'm traveling. And our house has been hit by a round of sickness, and that always drains my focus and energy. Also, a good deal of my creative energy goes into my photography, which is coming along nicely. But I would like to channel some of that juju back here. So yes? Let's start this. 

On the up side, while last week's portraits blew horses balls, this week's I quite like. So. High fives, me.