
"a portrait of my children once a week, every week, in 2014."

Stella: As always, you're refusing to come out of the pool and join us for dinner. "But I not hungrwy AT AWL!"

Hugo: You met your Nannie for the first time this week. And much of your time has been spent curled up on her chest while you suffer through some uncomfortable baby business and she suffers through jet lag. 

My mum arrived in Indonesia this week. She came carrying all sorts of goodies for us (peanut butter! chocolate! cloth diapers! children's books of poetry because I really am insufferably portentous!) and promising three weeks of help with the baby. Already she's cleaned out my pantry, been my co-pilot for bedtime, and accompanied my first born to Singapore for a doctor's visit while I hang out at home with my passport-less baby.

Living so far away from home mean that these visits are rare. We miss out on Christmas at the grandparents', Sunday dinners, and Grandparent Babysitting. But despite the physical distance, Stella is about as connected to her Nannie as any child could be. Watching her run with arms outstretch to embrace Nannie on her first morning here told me all I needed to know about that.


Here are a few gems from last week: This girl stretched out in the soft light; and this sweet baby, so rosy and soft; and these two Indonesian babes

Linking up with Jodi for her 52 Project.