Smile Click Give | A Charity Photo Shoot in Kuala Lumpur

charity photo shoot_kuala Lumpur Photographer

Kuala Lumpur, our sweet home, is blanketed in a thick haze. The oldest rainforests on our planet in Borneo and Sumatra are ablaze, spewing toxic smoke into the air, damaging the lungs and impacting the health of countless people in South East Asia, displacing indigenous populations and causing a defacto removal of land rights, and killing wildlife.

Our precious rainforests, home to biological diversity unknown in other parts of the world are being burnt as big palm oil companies enrich themselves, lining their pockets while people suffer.

It’s horrible. It’s heartbreaking. And I want to do something, however small.

Each year I offer charity photoshoots , and this year I’m launching a charity campaign, Smile Click Give, inspired by this epic tragedy. I’ll give you a photoshoot and a bunch of images in exchange for a donation to one of my favourite charities, The Global Green Grants Fund.

The Global Green Grants fund is an organisation that works to support small scale initiatives, grassroots type projects that protect the planet and the rights of the people living off the land.

This campaign is run on a “pay what you can” basis, with a suggested donation equal to my session fees.

So, you make a donation. Pay what you can. I’ll do a shoot. Together, we can support an organisation working to create solutions mitigating environmental harm and supporting social justice. They are active in our region, supporting projects in Indonesia, like this one, to preserve forest and prevent destruction.

I’m offering 4 charity shoots with shooting from now, September 2019 till mid-October 2019.

Want in? Get in touch. My email is or reach me by what’s app 019 657 37 44.

I can’t wait to hear from you!