A Weekend Getaway

My dad came to Jakarta for a quick visit this week, and we wanted to show him the best of this country which we call home. So we took a little weekend getaway to the countryside Jakarta. This city is lovely and all (I mean, if you work for it), but we also really love to get away, feel some grass under our toes (well, all of us except for Hugo), and slow down the way we live.

We stated at Loges Ekologika, which is like the platonic ideal of an organic farm and homestay. The compound is nestled on the side of a mountain, accessible by a tiny winding road. You feel like you are really isolated in the jungle, even though the village is a short walk down the hill.

The farm has a central kitchen, which is gorgeous and wide open. The most amazing, fresh meals come out of that place, and I'd like to proclaim that they do the very best salads that I've ever eaten. And that's saying something. I'm a bit of a salad person. There's also a dining room where all the guests share wonderful meals, perhaps a glass of wine while a record plays in the background, and sparkling dinner conversation can drift late into the night. 

The guests sleep in delightfully wabi-sabi thatch roofed cabins, each one private and secluded, away from the activity of the farm. When we woke up in the mornings, we felt like we were the only humans for miles (well, us and the guy sining the call to prayer.)

We rose early each day, as the sounds of the village below, played on the gamelan for a while (sorry neighbours!) enjoyed a delicious breakfast of eggs, fruit, and some variety of bubur, a lovely warming Indonesian rice porridge. 

The kids spent their time chasing the farm's chickens around (this was a major highlight for Hugo, feeding rabbits, getting their knees dirty, running in the grass, and playing on the climbing frame. Naps were plentiful and shared by children and grown-ups alike. 

There's also the opportunity to do a farm tour, a hike to a waterfall, or a ambling walk down to the village. We declined all of these opportunities, because, I mean, who wants to walk to a waterfall when you can play with legos all day?


Anyway, it was a wonderful way to spend a weekend, and a perfect tonic for the rub of our urban life. Here are some pictures, if you'd like to see!

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a weekend getaway_jakarta_sunrise again

If you go:

Lodges Ekologika are located only about 80 km from the centre of Jakarta. HOWEVER do not let that fool you into thinking it will be a quick drive out there. This is Indonesia after all. Absolutely, if you are driving up, go at non-peek times. The owner will tell you about a secret side road that will reduce your travel time as well.

We went by Uber which was great, and totally not expensive, despite taking us about four hours.

We went home by train, which is a bit slow, but a wonderful way to not have to deal with traffic.

Mosquito repellent is a necessity. And also, pro tip, before zipping your baby into his cot, take care to ensure there are not 20 mosquitos zipped inside with him. :/ 

Lodges Ekologika is wonderfully kid friendly, but be aware that there are set meal times, and if your kids are super picky or super snack-y, you might think about bringing a few things along from home.