

"a photograph of my children, once a week, every week in 2017."

Stella: I was away from home all week while I was tending to Lyra in Hong Kong, but sweet girl,  you did so well. You got bounced around from friend's place to friend's place, your routine got disrupted, and you ate a whole lot of pizza for dinner. You told me, Mama, you need to come home so that we can eat healthy food.

Hugo: You spent a week away from me, and boy did I miss you. I think you missed me too. I called one evening and the moment you heard my voice, you burst into tears and locked yourself in your room. I'm sorry little boy, I know this week has been hard on you.

Lyra: You took your first trip on an airplane this week. We flew to Hong Kong for what we thought would be a quick, medical appointment. But this quick visit turned into a scary and uncertain eight days away from home where we spent most of our time in doctor's offices or on the phone talking to the insurance company. But through it all, you remained your usual flexible and easygoing self, napping whenever I needed you to nap, and otherwise just hanging out, chewing on your hands, and cooing at me. And you even mastered a new skill: turning onto your side. I guess our days of non-moving babyhood are numbered.